to begin with...
...this is the boring and infamous story of jan-baz a.k.a. sunny ryder and me, eddie lee...we are based in the north of italy, where we run our little fashion lab, creating, producing and distributing our ladies and kids brand called "DeL'AkyANi" with our historic dude marco, the funky italian stallion.
US3 belong to the most faithful brotherhood of dudesdom, consisting of eight core-dudes, all spread over the european continent, to contribute a variety of opinions, philosophies, styles, ideas and experiences at our annual reunions.
I initiated this blog, to keep eachother informed about our well-being and everyday highlights at real time, to spare our little time catching up at our get-togethers, and use it rock our ass off...
let me present you the white knights at our round table, and contributers to
*p.batti* film-scientist / university_bochum
*deffi.d* budget-manager / cayenne_prague
*jan.ollum* architect / ingenhoven_duesseldorf
** consultant / boston consulting_hamburg
*paco* marketing manager / rewe_cologne
*marco* sales manager / del'akyani_duesseldorf
*jan-baz* production manager / del'akyani_vicenza
*eddie lee* creative director / del'akyani_vicenza
dear readers, feel free to browse our blog, post comments
or just enjoy our entries and lifestyle. I'll see you on future posts...
until then...stay sexy, and most of all
stay tuned!
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